This page provides postcode data for the E00036878 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 117 households with a population of about 327 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
CH44 6LX | 53.41329 | -3.024202 | 332020 | 391209 | SJ320912 | Yes |
CH44 6PN | 53.413505 | -3.024252 | 332017 | 391233 | SJ320912 | Yes |
CH44 6PW | 53.413811 | -3.024245 | 332018 | 391267 | SJ320912 | Yes |
CH44 6QG | 53.413999 | -3.02434 | 332012 | 391288 | SJ320912 | Yes |
L44 6LU | 53.413207 | -3.024501 | 332000 | 391200 | SJ320912 | No |
L44 6QG | 53.413207 | -3.024501 | 332000 | 391200 | SJ320912 | No |
L44 6QQ | 53.413207 | -3.024501 | 332000 | 391200 | SJ320912 | No |