This page provides postcode data for the E00036274 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 102 households with a population of about 311 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
CH43 9ST | 53.382711 | -3.077186 | 328447 | 387859 | SJ284878 | Yes |
CH43 9SU | 53.382488 | -3.077977 | 328394 | 387835 | SJ283878 | Yes |
CH43 9SY | 53.382163 | -3.079126 | 328317 | 387800 | SJ283878 | Yes |
CH43 9SZ | 53.382051 | -3.079499 | 328292 | 387788 | SJ282877 | Yes |
CH43 9YH | 53.381654 | -3.077745 | 328408 | 387742 | SJ284877 | Yes |
L43 9QR | 53.382174 | -3.077879 | 328400 | 387800 | SJ283877 | No |
L43 9SL | 53.383073 | -3.077902 | 328400 | 387900 | SJ283879 | No |
L43 9SU | 53.382174 | -3.077879 | 328400 | 387800 | SJ283877 | No |
L43 9YL | 53.383059 | -3.079405 | 328300 | 387900 | SJ282878 | No |
L43 9YN | 53.383059 | -3.079405 | 328300 | 387900 | SJ282878 | No |