This page provides postcode data for the E00036125 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 130 households with a population of about 256 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
CH41 4BB | 53.393097 | -3.033026 | 331401 | 388971 | SJ314889 | Yes |
CH41 4BG | 53.392624 | -3.032548 | 331432 | 388918 | SJ314889 | Yes |
CH41 4BH | 53.392739 | -3.032806 | 331415 | 388931 | SJ314889 | Yes |
CH41 4BL | 53.393512 | -3.031833 | 331481 | 389016 | SJ314890 | Yes |
CH41 4FX | 53.394128 | -3.032224 | 331456 | 389085 | SJ314890 | No |
CH41 4NJ | 53.394128 | -3.032224 | 331456 | 389085 | SJ314890 | No |
CH41 4PS | 53.394128 | -3.032224 | 331456 | 389085 | SJ314890 | No |
L41 4BQ | 53.392459 | -3.033025 | 331400 | 388900 | SJ314889 | No |
L41 4NB | 53.39337 | -3.031544 | 331500 | 389000 | SJ314889 | No |