This page provides postcode data for the E00033947 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 95 households with a population of about 220 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
L4 5PD | 53.443317 | -2.971025 | 335600 | 394500 | SJ355945 | No |
L4 5QE | 53.444604 | -2.970844 | 335614 | 394643 | SJ356946 | Yes |
L4 5QH | 53.444342 | -2.971018 | 335602 | 394614 | SJ356946 | Yes |
L4 5QJ | 53.444682 | -2.971162 | 335593 | 394652 | SJ355946 | Yes |
L4 5QS | 53.444335 | -2.971816 | 335549 | 394614 | SJ355946 | Yes |
L4 5QU | 53.444499 | -2.971397 | 335577 | 394632 | SJ355946 | Yes |