This page provides postcode data for the E00031234 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 114 households with a population of about 286 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
M33 1BL | 53.43027 | -2.309745 | 379517 | 392654 | SJ795926 | No |
M33 1BT | 53.428885 | -2.30999 | 379500 | 392500 | SJ795924 | No |
M33 2AD | 53.429158 | -2.308909 | 379572 | 392530 | SJ795925 | Yes |
M33 2AR | 53.427229 | -2.311077 | 379427 | 392316 | SJ794923 | Yes |
M33 2AS | 53.429152 | -2.311076 | 379428 | 392530 | SJ794925 | Yes |
M33 2AT | 53.429343 | -2.310159 | 379489 | 392551 | SJ794925 | Yes |
M33 2AX | 53.428949 | -2.30984 | 379510 | 392507 | SJ795925 | Yes |
M33 2BX | 53.429356 | -2.30876 | 379582 | 392552 | SJ795925 | Yes |
M33 2BY | 53.429654 | -2.30834 | 379610 | 392585 | SJ796925 | Yes |
M33 7BL | 53.43027 | -2.309745 | 379517 | 392654 | SJ795926 | Yes |
M33 7FY | 53.429999 | -2.310269 | 379482 | 392624 | SJ794926 | Yes |
M33 7FZ | 53.429999 | -2.310269 | 379482 | 392624 | SJ794926 | No |
M33 7WH | 53.429686 | -2.30935 | 379543 | 392589 | SJ795925 | Yes |