This page provides postcode data for the E00031049 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 127 households with a population of about 254 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
M31 1EP | 53.438364 | -2.368286 | 375632 | 393573 | SJ756935 | No |
M31 3EF | 53.437956 | -2.369592 | 375545 | 393528 | SJ755935 | No |
M31 3EJ | 53.439874 | -2.371234 | 375437 | 393742 | SJ754937 | No |
M31 3FE | 53.438522 | -2.369522 | 375550 | 393591 | SJ755935 | No |
M41 6EF | 53.438783 | -2.369629 | 375543 | 393620 | SJ755936 | Yes |
M41 6EJ | 53.439874 | -2.371234 | 375437 | 393742 | SJ754937 | Yes |
M41 6FE | 53.438531 | -2.369537 | 375549 | 393592 | SJ755935 | Yes |
M41 9EP | 53.438364 | -2.368286 | 375632 | 393573 | SJ756935 | Yes |