This page provides postcode data for the E00030232 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 120 households with a population of about 313 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
M34 5SZ | 53.480886 | -2.135697 | 391092 | 398249 | SJ910982 | Yes |
M34 5TA | 53.481829 | -2.136303 | 391052 | 398354 | SJ910983 | Yes |
M34 5TB | 53.481443 | -2.135503 | 391105 | 398311 | SJ911983 | Yes |
M34 5TD | 53.482064 | -2.135038 | 391136 | 398380 | SJ911983 | Yes |
M34 5TE | 53.481894 | -2.134555 | 391168 | 398361 | SJ911983 | Yes |
M34 5TG | 53.481477 | -2.137251 | 390989 | 398315 | SJ909983 | Yes |
M34 5TJ | 53.482369 | -2.135461 | 391108 | 398414 | SJ911984 | Yes |