This page provides postcode data for the E00029636 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 129 households with a population of about 350 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SK4 2HL | 53.412392 | -2.183725 | 387885 | 390636 | SJ878906 | Yes |
SK4 2LB | 53.413301 | -2.183232 | 387918 | 390737 | SJ879907 | Yes |
SK4 2NX | 53.414954 | -2.18351 | 387900 | 390921 | SJ879909 | Yes |
SK4 3LN | 53.413864 | -2.18501 | 387800 | 390800 | SJ878907 | No |
SK4 3LW | 53.413882 | -2.184995 | 387801 | 390802 | SJ878908 | Yes |
SK4 3LX | 53.415778 | -2.185274 | 387783 | 391013 | SJ877910 | Yes |
SK4 3LY | 53.414366 | -2.186186 | 387722 | 390856 | SJ877908 | Yes |
SK4 3LZ | 53.413694 | -2.184483 | 387835 | 390781 | SJ878907 | Yes |