This page provides postcode data for the E00029306 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 134 households with a population of about 268 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SK3 0RU | 53.390494 | -2.184909 | 387800 | 388200 | SJ877882 | No |
SK3 0RY | 53.389827 | -2.185928 | 387732 | 388126 | SJ877881 | No |
SK3 0SD | 53.390222 | -2.186622 | 387686 | 388170 | SJ876881 | Yes |
SK3 0XB | 53.391075 | -2.187001 | 387661 | 388265 | SJ876882 | Yes |
SK8 2JS | 53.390111 | -2.188486 | 387562 | 388158 | SJ875881 | Yes |
SK8 2JT | 53.389775 | -2.189581 | 387489 | 388121 | SJ874881 | Yes |
SK8 2JU | 53.390487 | -2.18942 | 387500 | 388200 | SJ874882 | No |
SK8 5NX | 53.387507 | -2.18694 | 387664 | 387868 | SJ876878 | Yes |