This page provides postcode data for the E00029296 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 117 households with a population of about 271 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SK8 2JQ | 53.389565 | -2.192678 | 387283 | 388098 | SJ872880 | Yes |
SK8 2LN | 53.389365 | -2.193835 | 387206 | 388076 | SJ872880 | Yes |
SK8 2LP | 53.388566 | -2.19329 | 387242 | 387987 | SJ872879 | Yes |
SK8 2LU | 53.388145 | -2.192506 | 387294 | 387940 | SJ872879 | Yes |
SK8 2LW | 53.389411 | -2.193264 | 387244 | 388081 | SJ872880 | Yes |
SK8 2LX | 53.388438 | -2.193725 | 387213 | 387973 | SJ872879 | Yes |
SK8 2LY | 53.387317 | -2.19336 | 387237 | 387848 | SJ872878 | Yes |
SK8 2NA | 53.388735 | -2.194404 | 387168 | 388006 | SJ871880 | Yes |