This page provides postcode data for the E00028726 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 117 households with a population of about 256 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
M27 1DE | 53.515812 | -2.33388 | 377958 | 402178 | SD779021 | No |
M27 2BY | 53.517265 | -2.334886 | 377892 | 402340 | SD778023 | No |
M27 2BZ | 53.518132 | -2.333536 | 377982 | 402436 | SD779024 | No |
M27 2WX | 53.517809 | -2.333262 | 378000 | 402400 | SD779024 | No |
M27 6BL | 53.516997 | -2.334326 | 377929 | 402310 | SD779023 | Yes |
M27 6BY | 53.51731 | -2.334841 | 377895 | 402345 | SD778023 | Yes |
M27 6BZ | 53.518168 | -2.333491 | 377985 | 402440 | SD779024 | Yes |
M27 6ED | 53.515829 | -2.333878 | 377958 | 402180 | SD779021 | Yes |
M27 6SH | 53.515506 | -2.333983 | 377951 | 402144 | SD779021 | Yes |