This page provides postcode data for the E00026250 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 132 households with a population of about 305 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
M14 7AP | 53.444531 | -2.236709 | 384375 | 394222 | SJ843942 | Yes |
M14 7AW | 53.444587 | -2.236047 | 384419 | 394228 | SJ844942 | Yes |
M14 7DB | 53.443918 | -2.23788 | 384297 | 394154 | SJ842941 | Yes |
M14 7DU | 53.443666 | -2.237848 | 384299 | 394126 | SJ842941 | Yes |
M14 7DZ | 53.44461 | -2.238049 | 384286 | 394231 | SJ842942 | Yes |
M14 7RD | 53.444688 | -2.234978 | 384490 | 394239 | SJ844942 | Yes |