This page provides postcode data for the E00025708 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 151 households with a population of about 273 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
M20 2NY | 53.422478 | -2.243433 | 383920 | 391770 | SJ839917 | Yes |
M20 2NZ | 53.422308 | -2.242875 | 383957 | 391751 | SJ839917 | Yes |
M20 2WW | 53.423159 | -2.243346 | 383926 | 391846 | SJ839918 | Yes |
M20 8NY | 53.422487 | -2.243433 | 383920 | 391771 | SJ839917 | No |
M20 8NZ | 53.422516 | -2.242635 | 383973 | 391774 | SJ839917 | No |
M20 8WW | 53.422954 | -2.243571 | 383911 | 391823 | SJ839918 | No |