This page provides postcode data for the E00023603 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 199 households with a population of about 428 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
W9 1LB | 51.525744 | -0.196659 | 525200 | 182300 | TQ251823 | No |
W9 2AA | 51.525913 | -0.197128 | 525167 | 182318 | TQ251823 | Yes |
W9 2DB | 51.526027 | -0.195628 | 525271 | 182333 | TQ252823 | Yes |
W9 2DD | 51.525963 | -0.196726 | 525195 | 182324 | TQ251823 | Yes |
W9 2HA | 51.525234 | -0.196837 | 525189 | 182243 | TQ251822 | Yes |
W9 2HB | 51.525429 | -0.195955 | 525250 | 182266 | TQ252822 | Yes |
W9 4AN | 51.525744 | -0.196659 | 525200 | 182300 | TQ251823 | No |