This page provides postcode data for the E00021277 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 99 households with a population of about 262 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
E3 2QG | 51.535351 | -0.027561 | 536901 | 183671 | TQ369836 | Yes |
E3 2QL | 51.535553 | -0.027193 | 536926 | 183694 | TQ369836 | Yes |
E3 2QQ | 51.535687 | -0.027749 | 536887 | 183708 | TQ368837 | Yes |
E3 2QX | 51.535783 | -0.027038 | 536936 | 183720 | TQ369837 | Yes |
E3 2QY | 51.534909 | -0.026427 | 536981 | 183624 | TQ369836 | Yes |
E3 2QZ | 51.535119 | -0.026591 | 536969 | 183647 | TQ369836 | Yes |
E3 2RQ | 51.534446 | -0.025611 | 537039 | 183574 | TQ370835 | No |
E3 2RZ | 51.534431 | -0.026332 | 536989 | 183571 | TQ369835 | Yes |