This page provides postcode data for the E00005931 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 156 households with a population of about 372 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
SE25 5DS | 51.385575 | -0.070068 | 534392 | 166937 | TQ343669 | Yes |
SE25 5DT | 51.385576 | -0.071246 | 534310 | 166935 | TQ343669 | Yes |
SE25 5DU | 51.386292 | -0.069923 | 534400 | 167017 | TQ343670 | Yes |
SE25 5EU | 51.386841 | -0.070518 | 534357 | 167077 | TQ343670 | Yes |
SE25 5EY | 51.386236 | -0.071463 | 534293 | 167008 | TQ342670 | Yes |
SE25 5FQ | 51.386742 | -0.069935 | 534398 | 167067 | TQ343670 | Yes |