This page provides postcode data for the E00002863 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 119 households with a population of about 440 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
NW9 9LJ | 51.593342 | -0.281357 | 519148 | 189676 | TQ191896 | Yes |
NW9 9LL | 51.593815 | -0.282306 | 519081 | 189727 | TQ190897 | Yes |
NW9 9RL | 51.591517 | -0.28258 | 519068 | 189471 | TQ190894 | Yes |
NW9 9TB | 51.592964 | -0.282555 | 519066 | 189632 | TQ190896 | Yes |
NW9 9TD | 51.593247 | -0.282241 | 519087 | 189664 | TQ190896 | Yes |
NW9 9TG | 51.592324 | -0.280447 | 519214 | 189564 | TQ192895 | Yes |
NW9 9TW | 51.592648 | -0.280632 | 519200 | 189600 | TQ192895 | No |