This page provides postcode data for the E00001109 Census Output Area (OA) (2021).
It contains approximately 136 households with a population of about 412 (2021 census)
Postcode | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid reference | Active? |
HA8 9DE | 51.610258 | -0.252208 | 521122 | 191605 | TQ211916 | Yes |
HA8 9DR | 51.610601 | -0.253524 | 521030 | 191641 | TQ210916 | Yes |
HA8 9DU | 51.610386 | -0.252983 | 521068 | 191618 | TQ210916 | Yes |
HA8 9HD | 51.61156 | -0.253314 | 521042 | 191748 | TQ210917 | Yes |
HA8 9HE | 51.611985 | -0.255305 | 520903 | 191792 | TQ209917 | Yes |
HA8 9HF | 51.61106 | -0.252731 | 521084 | 191693 | TQ210916 | Yes |
HA8 9HG | 51.611144 | -0.252338 | 521111 | 191703 | TQ211917 | Yes |