Kingswood (South Staffordshire) postcodes (2024)

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There are 6 postcodes in the built up area of Kingswood (South Staffordshire). The area contains approximately 95 households with a population of about 246 (2011 census)

Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use
Postcode Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid reference Active?
WV7 3AJ52.62223-2.242067383710302746SJ837027Yes
WV7 3AN52.620343-2.23764384009302535SJ840025Yes
WV7 3AP52.617981-2.245056383506302274SJ835022Yes
WV7 3AS52.620398-2.250136383163302544SJ831025Yes
WV7 3AU52.617495-2.244237383561302220SJ835022Yes
WV7 3AW52.6212-2.244986383512302632SJ835026Yes