Posts tagged 'Blog'

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I've updated the site to include details of another level of administrative area, county electoral divisions. For example - Cambridgeshire postcodes

You can grab the data as CSV, KML, GeoJSON and Shape files. Let me know if you hit any problems.

In unrelated news, I've adjusted the blog subscription so you can subscribe just for blog posts about website updates or for all updates, since I occasionally rant about random subjects that most subscribers probably aren't interested in. If you've signed up already, you will only receive notifications about website updates. If you want to sign up for everything, currently you'll need to unsubscribe and sign up again. If you haven't signed up and would like to, head over to the sign-up page

You can now sign up to receive email notifications when new blog posts are added here. Just head over to  and sign up


The blog now comes with an RSS feed, click on the link on the right. More excitement to follow...

I've been meaning to move my blog to this domain for a very long time. I've looked at various blog engines and always had trouble integrating them with what I've already built here. So I finally bit the bullet and built my own "blog engine", in quotes because all it currently consists of is a couple of pages and a database table. I've got lots of things to add it to but all future posts will be here.

The old blog can still be found here.

Posts on the old blog tagged 'Blog'