Postcodes in Derry City and Strabane page 4 District

This page provides postcode data for the Derry City and Strabane UK District.

In 2011, Derry City and Strabane contained approximately 54,918 households with a population of about 146,002

Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use

Postcode Ward Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid ref
BT47 1WF Lisnagelvin 54.991216 -7.289767 61800 579099 NV618790
BT47 1WG Ebrington 55.005601 -7.292013 61778 580709 NV617807
BT47 1WH Enagh 55.014306 -7.27529 62919 581595 NV629815
BT47 1WJ Enagh 55.014306 -7.27529 62919 581595 NV629815
BT47 1WL Lisnagelvin 54.991492 -7.290856 61733 579135 NV617791
BT47 1WN Lisnagelvin 54.991492 -7.290856 61733 579135 NV617791
BT47 1WP Ebrington 55.005601 -7.292013 61778 580709 NV617807
BT47 1WQ Lisnagelvin 54.991492 -7.290856 61733 579135 NV617791
BT47 1WR Ebrington 55.005601 -7.292013 61778 580709 NV617807
BT47 1WS Lisnagelvin 54.991492 -7.290856 61733 579135 NV617791
BT47 1WT Lisnagelvin 54.991492 -7.290856 61733 579135 NV617791
BT47 1WU Lisnagelvin 54.991492 -7.290856 61733 579135 NV617791
BT47 1WW Lisnagelvin 54.991492 -7.290856 61733 579135 NV617791
BT47 1XA Enagh 55.031245 -7.268885 63470 583446 NV634834
BT47 1XB Enagh 55.031964 -7.268872 63477 583526 NV634835
BT47 1XD Enagh 55.032062 -7.270278 63388 583544 NV633835
BT47 1XE Enagh 55.033401 -7.268846 63491 583686 NV634836
BT47 1XF Enagh 55.033941 -7.268993 63486 583747 NV634837
BT47 1XG Enagh 55.0343 -7.268986 63490 583786 NV634837
BT47 1XH Enagh 55.032937 -7.266509 63636 583623 NV636836
BT47 1XJ Enagh 55.032844 -7.265885 63675 583610 NV636836
BT47 1XL Enagh 55.033474 -7.26603 63671 583680 NV636836
BT47 1XN Enagh 55.035271 -7.266153 63678 583881 NV636838
BT47 1XP Enagh 55.034005 -7.264769 63756 583733 NV637837
BT47 1XQ Enagh 55.033032 -7.267289 63587 583637 NV635836
BT47 1XR Enagh 55.033817 -7.263365 63844 583706 NV638837
BT47 1XS Enagh 54.991142 -7.27727 62598 579031 NV625790
BT47 1XT Enagh 55.031245 -7.268885 63470 583446 NV634834
BT47 1XU Kilfennan 54.983865 -7.29224 61580 578294 NV615782
BT47 1XW Enagh 55.034106 -7.266644 63637 583754 NV636837
BT47 1XX Caw 55.005634 -7.282167 62407 580665 NV624806
BT47 1XY Enagh 55.030899 -7.271081 63327 583419 NV633834
BT47 1XZ Caw 54.999786 -7.280709 62451 580008 NV624800
BT47 1YA Caw 55.007874 -7.281345 62478 580910 NV624809
BT47 1YB Enagh 55.030628 -7.270773 63345 583387 NV633833
BT47 1YD Kilfennan 54.998152 -7.277769 62625 579812 NV626798
BT47 1YE Caw 55.007874 -7.281345 62478 580910 NV624809
BT47 1YF Caw 55.007874 -7.281345 62478 580910 NV624809
BT47 1YG Caw 55.007874 -7.281345 62478 580910 NV624809
BT47 1YH Caw 55.005783 -7.277007 62738 580656 NV627806
BT47 1YJ Lisnagelvin 54.990236 -7.29119 61701 578997 NV617789
BT47 1YL Enagh 55.021026 -7.257502 64111 582256 NV641822
BT47 1YN Caw 54.997374 -7.282939 62288 579751 NV622797
BT47 1YP Caw 55.003621 -7.276108 62777 580412 NV627804
BT47 1YQ Caw 55.007874 -7.281345 62478 580910 NV624809
BT47 1YR Ebrington 55.006384 -7.287624 62065 580774 NV620807
BT47 1YS Caw 55.004052 -7.288134 62013 580518 NV620805
BT47 1YT Caw 55.004481 -7.284688 62236 580549 NV622805
BT47 1YU Enagh 55.030161 -7.26781 63530 583321 NV635833
BT47 1YW Caw 55.007874 -7.281345 62478 580910 NV624809
BT47 1YX Caw 55.00296 -7.285809 62152 580385 NV621803
BT47 1YY Lisnagelvin 55.000025 -7.290862 61804 580084 NV618800
BT47 1YZ Enagh 55.020661 -7.256571 64168 582211 NV641822
BT47 1ZE Caw 55.007874 -7.281345 62478 580910 NV624809
BT47 1ZH Caw 55.007874 -7.281345 62478 580910 NV624809
BT47 1ZJ Caw 55.007874 -7.281345 62478 580910 NV624809
BT47 1ZL Caw 55.007874 -7.281345 62478 580910 NV624809
BT47 1ZN Caw 55.007874 -7.281345 62478 580910 NV624809
BT47 2AA Victoria 54.988849 -7.31721 60027 578970 NV600789
BT47 2AB Victoria 54.985055 -7.326209 59419 578592 NV594785
BT47 2AD Victoria 54.987384 -7.318594 59926 578814 NV599788
BT47 2AE New Buildings 54.978011 -7.345787 58108 577905 NV581779
BT47 2AF New Buildings 54.962797 -7.35295 57521 576250 NV575762
BT47 2AG Clondermot 54.979039 -7.304413 60761 577817 NV607778
BT47 2AH Ebrington 54.991498 -7.304417 60866 579202 NV608792
BT47 2AL Ebrington 54.992743 -7.310098 60514 579368 NV605793
BT47 2AN Ebrington 54.9926 -7.310116 60512 579352 NV605793
BT47 2AP Ebrington 54.992655 -7.307256 60695 579344 NV606793
BT47 2AQ New Buildings 54.953993 -7.356104 57244 575287 NV572752
BT47 2AR Ebrington 54.993185 -7.308778 60602 579410 NV606794
BT47 2AS Victoria 54.992322 -7.308683 60601 579314 NV606793
BT47 2AT Victoria 54.992029 -7.30761 60667 579276 NV606792
BT47 2AU Victoria 54.992031 -7.308094 60636 579279 NV606792
BT47 2AW Ebrington 54.99272 -7.309098 60578 579360 NV605793
BT47 2AX Victoria 54.992072 -7.310562 60479 579295 NV604792
BT47 2AY Victoria 54.991561 -7.31068 60467 579239 NV604792
BT47 2AZ Victoria 54.991444 -7.309089 60567 579218 NV605792
BT47 2BA Victoria 54.9918 -7.309989 60513 579262 NV605792
BT47 2BB Victoria 54.990928 -7.309926 60510 579165 NV605791
BT47 2BD Victoria 54.990062 -7.307753 60641 579058 NV606790
BT47 2BE Victoria 54.989923 -7.310177 60485 579055 NV604790
BT47 2BG Victoria 54.989312 -7.310156 60481 578987 NV604789
BT47 2BH Victoria 54.990431 -7.310996 60437 579115 NV604791
BT47 2BJ Victoria 54.990391 -7.311966 60375 579115 NV603791
BT47 2BL Victoria 54.989711 -7.310696 60450 579034 NV604790
BT47 2BN Victoria 54.989458 -7.310466 60463 579004 NV604790
BT47 2BP Victoria 54.990107 -7.312533 60336 579087 NV603790
BT47 2BQ Victoria 54.990611 -7.307931 60634 579120 NV606791
BT47 2BS Ebrington 54.99351 -7.304319 60890 579425 NV608794
BT47 2BT Victoria 54.989003 -7.315786 60119 578980 NV601789
BT47 2BU Victoria 54.988742 -7.310932 60427 578927 NV604789
BT47 2BW Victoria 54.989925 -7.312036 60366 579064 NV603790
BT47 2BX Clondermot 54.987771 -7.307746 60622 578804 NV606788
BT47 2BY Clondermot 54.987258 -7.309114 60530 578753 NV605787
BT47 2BZ Clondermot 54.988161 -7.30513 60793 578834 NV607788
BT47 2DA Clondermot 54.987667 -7.303608 60886 578772 NV608787
BT47 2DB Clondermot 54.988224 -7.306801 60686 578850 NV606788
BT47 2DD Clondermot 54.987956 -7.305509 60767 578813 NV607788
BT47 2DF Clondermot 54.984302 -7.298043 61213 578371 NV612783
BT47 2DG Clondermot 54.987735 -7.304482 60830 578784 NV608787
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
Contains data from Wikipedia covered by the Creative Commons license