Postcodes in Surrey Heath page 7 Local Authority District

This page provides postcode data for the Surrey Heath UK Local Authority District.

In 2021, Surrey Heath contained approximately 36,000 households with a population of about 90,500

In 2011, Surrey Heath contained approximately 33,540 households with a population of about 86,175

Wards in this Local Authority District
Parishes in this Local Authority District
Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use

Postcode Ward Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid ref
GU15 2RT Watchetts 51.318583 -0.756836 486731 158453 SU867584
GU15 2RU Watchetts 51.318317 -0.756286 486770 158424 SU867584
GU15 2RW Watchetts 51.317916 -0.754145 486920 158382 SU869583
GU15 2RX Watchetts 51.319743 -0.757597 486676 158581 SU866585
GU15 2RY Watchetts 51.319061 -0.757816 486662 158505 SU866585
GU15 2RZ Watchetts 51.320339 -0.757064 486712 158648 SU867586
GU15 2SA Watchetts 51.321185 -0.755419 486825 158744 SU868587
GU15 2SB Watchetts 51.321137 -0.755937 486789 158738 SU867587
GU15 2SD Watchetts 51.320531 -0.758135 486637 158668 SU866586
GU15 2SE Watchetts 51.320893 -0.758384 486619 158708 SU866587
GU15 2SF Watchetts 51.321017 -0.756543 486747 158724 SU867587
GU15 2SG Watchetts 51.321925 -0.756505 486748 158825 SU867588
GU15 2SH Watchetts 51.318012 -0.756395 486763 158390 SU867583
GU15 2SJ Watchetts 51.317844 -0.756644 486746 158371 SU867583
GU15 2SL Watchetts 51.318368 -0.752683 487021 158434 SU870584
GU15 2SN Watchetts 51.329425 -0.748981 487258 159668 SU872596
GU15 2SP Watchetts 51.326663 -0.752228 487037 159357 SU870593
GU15 2SQ Watchetts 51.319894 -0.755813 486800 158600 SU868585
GU15 2SR Watchetts 51.32621 -0.751853 487064 159307 SU870593
GU15 2SS Watchetts 51.326798 -0.752167 487041 159372 SU870593
GU15 2ST Watchetts 51.324359 -0.752822 487000 159100 SU869591
GU15 2SU Watchetts 51.324595 -0.753074 486982 159126 SU869591
GU15 2SW Watchetts 51.328774 -0.750262 487170 159594 SU871595
GU15 2SX Watchetts 51.324216 -0.752955 486991 159084 SU869590
GU15 2SY Watchetts 51.323036 -0.755312 486829 158950 SU868589
GU15 2SZ Watchetts 51.322696 -0.757086 486706 158910 SU867589
GU15 2TA Watchetts 51.322884 -0.75955 486534 158928 SU865589
GU15 2TB Watchetts 51.322581 -0.758137 486633 158896 SU866588
GU15 2TD Watchetts 51.321296 -0.759119 486567 158752 SU865587
GU15 2TE Watchetts 51.32213 -0.757173 486701 158847 SU867588
GU15 2TF Watchetts 51.321853 -0.759908 486511 158813 SU865588
GU15 2TG Watchetts 51.33087 -0.749574 487214 159828 SU872598
GU15 2TH Watchetts 51.321966 -0.758713 486594 158827 SU865588
GU15 2TJ Watchetts 51.329934 -0.74947 487223 159724 SU872597
GU15 2TL Watchetts 51.326187 -0.755643 486800 159300 SU867592
GU15 2TN Watchetts 51.329668 -0.743894 487612 159701 SU876597
GU15 2TP Watchetts 51.327425 -0.752782 486997 159441 SU869594
GU15 2TQ Watchetts 51.321723 -0.758634 486600 158800 SU865588
GU15 2TR Watchetts 51.32633 -0.75555 486806 159316 SU868593
GU15 2TS Town 51.336312 -0.738843 487951 160446 SU879604
GU15 2TT Watchetts 51.32406 -0.752615 487015 159067 SU870590
GU15 2TU Watchetts 51.328889 -0.744259 487588 159614 SU875596
GU15 2TW Watchetts 51.322637 -0.760044 486500 158900 SU865589
GU15 2TX Watchetts 51.325966 -0.755158 486834 159276 SU868592
GU15 2TY Town 51.331456 -0.734684 488250 159911 SU882599
GU15 2TZ St Pauls 51.334853 -0.725263 488900 160300 SU888603
GU15 2UA Frimley 51.320215 -0.745443 487522 158648 SU875586
GU15 2UB Watchetts 51.328889 -0.744259 487588 159614 SU875596
GU15 2UE Frimley 51.317136 -0.750148 487200 158300 SU871582
GU15 2UF Frimley 51.317136 -0.750148 487200 158300 SU871582
GU15 2UG Frimley 51.317136 -0.750148 487200 158300 SU871582
GU15 2UH Town 51.331193 -0.734419 488269 159882 SU882598
GU15 2UJ St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2UL St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2UQ Frimley 51.317136 -0.750148 487200 158300 SU871582
GU15 2UR Watchetts 51.327086 -0.755619 486800 159400 SU867593
GU15 2UT Watchetts 51.327086 -0.755619 486800 159400 SU867593
GU15 2UW Watchetts 51.322561 -0.752871 487000 158900 SU869589
GU15 2UY Watchetts 51.327086 -0.755619 486800 159400 SU867593
GU15 2UZ Watchetts 51.327807 -0.754925 486847 159481 SU868594
GU15 2WA St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2WB St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2WD St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2WE St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2WF St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2WG St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2WJ St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2WQ St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2WZ St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2XA Frimley 51.316628 -0.751353 487117 158242 SU871582
GU15 2XB Watchetts 51.325181 -0.745624 487500 159200 SU874591
GU15 2XD Town 51.333241 -0.742533 487700 160100 SU876601
GU15 2XE Frimley 51.317136 -0.750148 487200 158300 SU871582
GU15 2XF Frimley 51.317136 -0.750148 487200 158300 SU871582
GU15 2XG Frimley 51.317136 -0.750148 487200 158300 SU871582
GU15 2XH St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2XJ St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2XL St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2XN Watchetts 51.328889 -0.744245 487589 159614 SU875596
GU15 2XP St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2XQ Watchetts 51.328889 -0.744259 487588 159614 SU875596
GU15 2XR Town 51.333241 -0.742533 487700 160100 SU876601
GU15 2XS Town 51.333241 -0.742533 487700 160100 SU876601
GU15 2XT St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2XU Town 51.333241 -0.742533 487700 160100 SU876601
GU15 2XW St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2XX Frimley 51.316628 -0.751353 487117 158242 SU871582
GU15 2XY Town 51.333241 -0.742533 487700 160100 SU876601
GU15 2XZ Town 51.333426 -0.742183 487724 160121 SU877601
GU15 2YA Watchetts 51.324429 -0.751856 487067 159109 SU870591
GU15 2YB Watchetts 51.32502 -0.751555 487087 159175 SU870591
GU15 2YD Watchetts 51.321647 -0.75146 487100 158800 SU871588
GU15 2YE St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2YG Frimley 51.317136 -0.750148 487200 158300 SU871582
GU15 2YH St Michaels 51.330854 -0.766641 486025 159806 SU860598
GU15 2YJ Watchetts 51.328889 -0.744245 487589 159614 SU875596
GU15 2YL Frimley 51.317136 -0.750148 487200 158300 SU871582
GU15 2YN Frimley 51.317136 -0.750148 487200 158300 SU871582
GU15 2YP Frimley 51.317136 -0.750148 487200 158300 SU871582
GU15 2YQ Watchetts 51.328889 -0.744259 487588 159614 SU875596
Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2025
Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
Contains data from Wikipedia covered by the Creative Commons license