This page provides postcode data for the Surrey Heath UK Local Authority District.
In 2021, Surrey Heath contained approximately 36,000 households with a population of about 90,500
In 2011, Surrey Heath contained approximately 33,540 households with a population of about 86,175
Postcode | Ward | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid ref |
GU24 8WP | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8WQ | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8WR | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8WS | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8WT | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8WU | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8WW | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8WX | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8WY | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8WZ | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.365684 | -0.611873 | 496734 | 163872 | SU967638 |
GU24 8XA | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351054 | -0.602837 | 497394 | 162257 | SU973622 |
GU24 8XB | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351054 | -0.602837 | 497394 | 162257 | SU973622 |
GU24 8XD | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351054 | -0.602837 | 497394 | 162257 | SU973622 |
GU24 8XE | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8XF | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.350732 | -0.602201 | 497439 | 162222 | SU974622 |
GU24 8XG | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8XH | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.350732 | -0.602201 | 497439 | 162222 | SU974622 |
GU24 8XJ | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351054 | -0.602837 | 497394 | 162257 | SU973622 |
GU24 8XL | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8XN | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.350732 | -0.602201 | 497439 | 162222 | SU974622 |
GU24 8XP | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.364161 | -0.613844 | 496600 | 163700 | SU965636 |
GU24 8XQ | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.350732 | -0.602201 | 497439 | 162222 | SU974622 |
GU24 8XR | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.350732 | -0.602201 | 497439 | 162222 | SU974622 |
GU24 8XS | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.35101 | -0.602839 | 497394 | 162252 | SU973622 |
GU24 8XT | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351054 | -0.602837 | 497394 | 162257 | SU973622 |
GU24 8XU | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351054 | -0.602837 | 497394 | 162257 | SU973622 |
GU24 8XW | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.350732 | -0.602201 | 497439 | 162222 | SU974622 |
GU24 8XX | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351009 | -0.60282 | 497395 | 162252 | SU973622 |
GU24 8XY | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.35132 | -0.600259 | 497573 | 162290 | SU975622 |
GU24 8YA | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.35132 | -0.600259 | 497573 | 162290 | SU975622 |
GU24 8YB | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8YE | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.35101 | -0.602839 | 497394 | 162252 | SU973622 |
GU24 8YF | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351429 | -0.600298 | 497570 | 162302 | SU975623 |
GU24 8YG | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.35132 | -0.600259 | 497573 | 162290 | SU975622 |
GU24 8YH | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351429 | -0.600298 | 497570 | 162302 | SU975623 |
GU24 8YJ | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.35132 | -0.600259 | 497573 | 162290 | SU975622 |
GU24 8YL | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8YN | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351054 | -0.602837 | 497394 | 162257 | SU973622 |
GU24 8YP | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.364161 | -0.613844 | 496600 | 163700 | SU965636 |
GU24 8YQ | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351054 | -0.602837 | 497394 | 162257 | SU973622 |
GU24 8YR | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.350732 | -0.602201 | 497439 | 162222 | SU974622 |
GU24 8YS | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8YT | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351054 | -0.602837 | 497394 | 162257 | SU973622 |
GU24 8YU | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.365874 | -0.60661 | 497100 | 163900 | SU970639 |
GU24 8YW | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8YX | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351054 | -0.602837 | 497394 | 162257 | SU973622 |
GU24 8YY | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.35101 | -0.602839 | 497394 | 162252 | SU973622 |
GU24 8YZ | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.364161 | -0.613844 | 496600 | 163700 | SU965636 |
GU24 8ZA | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8ZD | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351009 | -0.60282 | 497395 | 162252 | SU973622 |
GU24 8ZF | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.35101 | -0.602839 | 497394 | 162252 | SU973622 |
GU24 8ZG | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8ZH | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351054 | -0.602837 | 497394 | 162257 | SU973622 |
GU24 8ZJ | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8ZL | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8ZN | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8ZP | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8ZQ | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8ZR | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8ZS | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351054 | -0.602837 | 497394 | 162257 | SU973622 |
GU24 8ZT | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351054 | -0.602837 | 497394 | 162257 | SU973622 |
GU24 8ZU | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351018 | -0.602824 | 497395 | 162253 | SU973622 |
GU24 8ZW | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.35101 | -0.602839 | 497394 | 162252 | SU973622 |
GU24 8ZX | Windlesham & Chobham | 51.351054 | -0.602837 | 497394 | 162257 | SU973622 |
GU24 9AA | Bisley & West End | 51.322283 | -0.632113 | 495415 | 159019 | SU954590 |
GU24 9AB | Bisley & West End | 51.320511 | -0.629755 | 495583 | 158825 | SU955588 |
GU24 9AD | Bisley & West End | 51.320674 | -0.6314 | 495468 | 158841 | SU954588 |
GU24 9AE | Bisley & West End | 51.321781 | -0.632271 | 495405 | 158963 | SU954589 |
GU24 9AF | Bisley & West End | 51.323094 | -0.634543 | 495244 | 159106 | SU952591 |
GU24 9AG | Bisley & West End | 51.323522 | -0.634286 | 495261 | 159154 | SU952591 |
GU24 9AH | Bisley & West End | 51.322148 | -0.635202 | 495200 | 159000 | SU952589 |
GU24 9AJ | Bisley & West End | 51.322872 | -0.635597 | 495171 | 159080 | SU951590 |
GU24 9AL | Bisley & West End | 51.322814 | -0.634508 | 495247 | 159075 | SU952590 |
GU24 9AN | Bisley & West End | 51.322013 | -0.635192 | 495201 | 158985 | SU952589 |
GU24 9AP | Bisley & West End | 51.31977 | -0.634164 | 495277 | 158737 | SU952587 |
GU24 9AQ | Bisley & West End | 51.321454 | -0.629698 | 495585 | 158930 | SU955589 |
GU24 9AR | Bisley & West End | 51.320268 | -0.63589 | 495156 | 158790 | SU951587 |
GU24 9AS | Bisley & West End | 51.31925 | -0.640397 | 494844 | 158671 | SU948586 |
GU24 9AT | Bisley & West End | 51.318152 | -0.643525 | 494628 | 158545 | SU946585 |
GU24 9AU | Bisley & West End | 51.316986 | -0.646085 | 494452 | 158412 | SU944584 |
GU24 9AW | Bisley & West End | 51.321695 | -0.634096 | 495278 | 158951 | SU952589 |
GU24 9AX | Bisley & West End | 51.315154 | -0.646243 | 494445 | 158208 | SU944582 |
GU24 9AY | Bisley & West End | 51.31428 | -0.642969 | 494675 | 158115 | SU946581 |
GU24 9AZ | Bisley & West End | 51.317725 | -0.635276 | 495204 | 158508 | SU952585 |
GU24 9BB | Bisley & West End | 51.321955 | -0.630946 | 495497 | 158984 | SU954589 |
GU24 9BD | Bisley & West End | 51.321703 | -0.630953 | 495497 | 158956 | SU954589 |
GU24 9BE | Bisley & West End | 51.321349 | -0.63072 | 495514 | 158917 | SU955589 |
GU24 9BG | Bisley & West End | 51.334209 | -0.636247 | 495102 | 160340 | SU951603 |
GU24 9BH | Bisley & West End | 51.320317 | -0.632387 | 495400 | 158800 | SU953588 |
GU24 9BJ | Bisley & West End | 51.320651 | -0.632534 | 495389 | 158837 | SU953588 |
GU24 9BL | Bisley & West End | 51.320596 | -0.633957 | 495290 | 158829 | SU952588 |
GU24 9BN | Bisley & West End | 51.334252 | -0.636792 | 495064 | 160344 | SU950603 |
GU24 9BP | Bisley & West End | 51.334984 | -0.634028 | 495255 | 160429 | SU952604 |
GU24 9BQ | Bisley & West End | 51.33495 | -0.635019 | 495186 | 160424 | SU951604 |
GU24 9BS | Bisley & West End | 51.324926 | -0.641349 | 494766 | 159301 | SU947593 |
GU24 9BT | Bisley & West End | 51.324575 | -0.63978 | 494876 | 159264 | SU948592 |
GU24 9BU | Bisley & West End | 51.325271 | -0.640061 | 494855 | 159341 | SU948593 |
GU24 9BW | Bisley & West End | 51.33959 | -0.632685 | 495339 | 160943 | SU953609 |
GU24 9BX | Bisley & West End | 51.325521 | -0.639164 | 494917 | 159370 | SU949593 |
GU24 9BY | Bisley & West End | 51.323403 | -0.638696 | 494954 | 159135 | SU949591 |