Postcodes in Melton page 19 Local Authority District

This page provides postcode data for the Melton UK Local Authority District.

In 2021, Melton contained approximately 22,600 households with a population of about 51,800

In 2011, Melton contained approximately 21,481 households with a population of about 50,361

Key Active postcodeActive postcode Postcode no longer in usePostcode no longer in use

Postcode Ward Latitude Longitude Easting Northing Grid ref
NG13 0EX Bottesford 52.942485 -0.806718 480286 339010 SK802390
NG13 0EY Bottesford 52.94341 -0.803954 480470 339116 SK804391
NG13 0EZ Bottesford 52.946868 -0.797023 480929 339508 SK809395
NG13 0FA Bottesford 52.945969 -0.797048 480929 339408 SK809394
NG13 0FB Bottesford 52.934023 -0.769412 482809 338111 SK828381
NG13 0FD Bottesford 52.932221 -0.768987 482841 337911 SK828379
NG13 0FE Bottesford 52.928998 -0.770283 482760 337551 SK827375
NG13 0FF Bottesford 52.940093 -0.78354 481848 338770 SK818387
NG13 0FG Bottesford 52.930665 -0.771515 482674 337735 SK826377
NG13 0FH Bottesford 52.940373 -0.805853 480348 338776 SK803387
NG13 0FJ Bottesford 52.93481 -0.76693 482974 338201 SK829382
NG13 0FL Bottesford 52.945837 -0.800285 480712 339390 SK807393
NG13 0FN Bottesford 52.954988 -0.794048 481114 340415 SK811404
NG13 0FP Bottesford 52.942519 -0.812803 479877 339007 SK798390
NG13 0FQ Bottesford 52.929612 -0.769715 482797 337620 SK827376
NG13 0FR Bottesford 52.943105 -0.812966 479865 339072 SK798390
NG13 0FS Bottesford 52.941793 -0.799232 480790 338941 SK807389
NG13 0FT Bottesford 52.942313 -0.811931 479936 338985 SK799389
NG13 0FU Bottesford 52.936657 -0.805569 480374 338363 SK803383
NG13 0FW Bottesford 52.936924 -0.806186 480332 338392 SK803383
NG13 0FX Bottesford 52.936477 -0.806377 480320 338342 SK803383
NG13 0FY Bottesford 52.940984 -0.79603 481007 338855 SK810388
NG13 0FZ Bottesford 52.941365 -0.807091 480263 338885 SK802388
NG13 0GA Long Clawson and Stathern 52.910606 -0.81552 479753 335454 SK797354
NG13 0GB Long Clawson and Stathern 52.911673 -0.816736 479669 335571 SK796355
NG13 0GD Bottesford 52.94166 -0.79174 481294 338935 SK812389
NG13 0GE Long Clawson and Stathern 52.909924 -0.817472 479623 335376 SK796353
NG13 0GF Long Clawson and Stathern 52.911366 -0.815113 479779 335539 SK797355
NG13 0GG Long Clawson and Stathern 52.911083 -0.813495 479888 335509 SK798355
NG13 0GH Long Clawson and Stathern 52.912141 -0.814482 479820 335626 SK798356
NG13 0GJ Long Clawson and Stathern 52.912249 -0.812694 479940 335640 SK799356
NG13 0GL Long Clawson and Stathern 52.910169 -0.813227 479908 335408 SK799354
NG13 0GN Bottesford 52.905037 -0.792458 481314 334860 SK813348
NG13 0GP Croxton Kerrial 52.90552 -0.790452 481448 334916 SK814349
NG13 0GQ Long Clawson and Stathern 52.916542 -0.827658 478926 336101 SK789361
NG13 0GR Long Clawson and Stathern 52.912538 -0.832461 478610 335650 SK786356
NG13 0GS Long Clawson and Stathern 52.922223 -0.841293 477999 336718 SK779367
NG13 0GT Bottesford 52.943901 -0.793821 481150 339182 SK811391
NG13 0GU Bottesford 52.946476 -0.797421 480903 339464 SK809394
NG13 0GX Bottesford 52.946627 -0.798964 480799 339479 SK807394
NG13 0GY Bottesford 52.94402 -0.815094 479720 339171 SK797391
NG13 0GZ Bottesford 52.94156 -0.800176 480727 338914 SK807389
NG13 0HA Long Clawson and Stathern 52.906184 -0.8412 478034 334934 SK780349
NG13 0HB Long Clawson and Stathern 52.905711 -0.840588 478076 334882 SK780348
NG13 0HD Long Clawson and Stathern 52.904258 -0.841921 477989 334719 SK779347
NG13 0HE Long Clawson and Stathern 52.90469 -0.841593 478010 334767 SK780347
NG13 0HF Long Clawson and Stathern 52.906197 -0.844322 477824 334932 SK778349
NG13 0HG Long Clawson and Stathern 52.905244 -0.838817 478196 334832 SK781348
NG13 0HH Long Clawson and Stathern 52.906752 -0.842241 477963 334996 SK779349
NG13 0HJ Long Clawson and Stathern 52.904674 -0.839111 478177 334768 SK781347
NG13 0HL Long Clawson and Stathern 52.90479 -0.840212 478103 334780 SK781347
NG13 0HN Long Clawson and Stathern 52.905092 -0.839817 478129 334814 SK781348
NG13 0HP Bottesford 52.937128 -0.802828 480557 338418 SK805384
NG13 0HQ Long Clawson and Stathern 52.894725 -0.816012 479749 333687 SK797336
NG13 0HR Long Clawson and Stathern 52.906987 -0.841476 478014 335023 SK780350
NG13 0HS Bottesford 52.937629 -0.802591 480572 338474 SK805384
NG13 0HT Long Clawson and Stathern 52.902512 -0.833132 478583 334534 SK785345
NG13 0HU Long Clawson and Stathern 52.90431 -0.842633 477941 334724 SK779347
NG13 0HW Bottesford 52.938011 -0.802209 480597 338517 SK805385
NG13 0HX Long Clawson and Stathern 52.905748 -0.844424 477818 334882 SK778348
NG13 0HY Bottesford 52.939552 -0.78486 481760 338708 SK817387
NG13 0HZ Bottesford 52.939784 -0.786386 481657 338732 SK816387
NG13 0JA Long Clawson and Stathern 52.898551 -0.85688 476993 334068 SK769340
NG13 0JB Bottesford 52.940828 -0.802805 480552 338830 SK805388
NG13 0JD Long Clawson and Stathern 52.898657 -0.858616 476876 334078 SK768340
NG13 0JE Long Clawson and Stathern 52.896672 -0.860631 476744 333855 SK767338
NG13 0JF Long Clawson and Stathern 52.896407 -0.858032 476919 333828 SK769338
NG13 0JG Long Clawson and Stathern 52.895962 -0.859397 476828 333777 SK768337
NG13 0JH Long Clawson and Stathern 52.893926 -0.861784 476671 333548 SK766335
NG13 0JJ Long Clawson and Stathern 52.898863 -0.860321 476761 334099 SK767340
NG13 0JL Long Clawson and Stathern 52.898157 -0.860785 476731 334020 SK767340
NG13 0JN Long Clawson and Stathern 52.898853 -0.856485 477019 334102 SK770341
NG13 0PE Long Clawson and Stathern 52.897083 -0.861274 476700 333900 SK767339
NG32 1AA Croxton Kerrial 52.850994 -0.808094 480362 328831 SK803288
NG32 1ER Croxton Kerrial 52.870799 -0.780086 482211 331066 SK822310
NG32 1ES Croxton Kerrial 52.865379 -0.783352 482001 330459 SK820304
NG32 1ET Croxton Kerrial 52.850546 -0.807651 480393 328782 SK803287
NG32 1EU Croxton Kerrial 52.853548 -0.809984 480230 329113 SK802291
NG32 1EX Croxton Kerrial 52.873064 -0.818811 479600 331274 SK796312
NG32 1EY Long Clawson and Stathern 52.882318 -0.813125 479966 332310 SK799323
NG32 1EZ Croxton Kerrial 52.878731 -0.805065 480515 331920 SK805319
NG32 1HA Croxton Kerrial 52.884279 -0.799573 480874 332543 SK808325
NG32 1NZ Bottesford 52.907799 -0.774601 482510 335188 SK825351
NG32 1PA Croxton Kerrial 52.896104 -0.783132 481958 333877 SK819338
NG32 1PB Croxton Kerrial 52.89601 -0.782719 481986 333867 SK819338
NG32 1PD Croxton Kerrial 52.896206 -0.779313 482215 333893 SK822338
NG32 1PE Croxton Kerrial 52.894694 -0.782611 481996 333721 SK819337
NG32 1PF Croxton Kerrial 52.895879 -0.778679 482258 333857 SK822338
NG32 1PG Croxton Kerrial 52.892814 -0.772671 482668 333523 SK826335
NG32 1PH Croxton Kerrial 52.897555 -0.791703 481379 334029 SK813340
NG32 1PL Croxton Kerrial 52.881573 -0.741636 484778 332309 SK847323
NG32 1PN Croxton Kerrial 52.87543 -0.752195 484079 331613 SK840316
NG32 1PP Croxton Kerrial 52.876979 -0.754399 483928 331783 SK839317
NG32 1PQ Croxton Kerrial 52.887869 -0.770804 482803 332975 SK828329
NG32 1PR Croxton Kerrial 52.877136 -0.754811 483900 331800 SK838318
NG32 1PS Croxton Kerrial 52.877333 -0.755623 483845 331821 SK838318
NG32 1PT Croxton Kerrial 52.878084 -0.754081 483947 331906 SK839319
NG32 1PU Croxton Kerrial 52.855332 -0.763069 483386 329365 SK833293
NG32 1PW Croxton Kerrial 52.877656 -0.752968 484023 331860 SK840318
NG32 1PX Croxton Kerrial 52.856494 -0.76161 483482 329496 SK834294
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Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and database right 2025
Contains National Statistics data © Crown copyright and database rights 2025
Source: Office for National Statistics licensed under the Open Government Licence v.3.0
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