This page provides postcode data for the Torridge UK Local Authority District.
In 2021, Torridge contained approximately 30,500 households with a population of about 68,100
In 2011, Torridge contained approximately 27,994 households with a population of about 63,883
Postcode | Ward | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid ref |
EX39 3TP | Bideford North | 51.01823 | -4.214457 | 244773 | 126652 | SS447266 |
EX39 3WA | Bideford North | 51.020268 | -4.20442 | 245484 | 126857 | SS454268 |
EX39 3WB | Bideford North | 51.020232 | -4.204432 | 245483 | 126853 | SS454268 |
EX39 3WD | Northam | 51.028144 | -4.211183 | 245036 | 127747 | SS450277 |
EX39 3WY | Bideford North | 51.020268 | -4.20442 | 245484 | 126857 | SS454268 |
EX39 3WZ | Bideford North | 51.020268 | -4.20442 | 245484 | 126857 | SS454268 |
EX39 3XZ | Bideford North | 51.020268 | -4.20442 | 245484 | 126857 | SS454268 |
EX39 3YA | Northam | 51.028611 | -4.211718 | 245000 | 127800 | SS450278 |
EX39 3YN | Bideford North | 51.020268 | -4.20442 | 245484 | 126857 | SS454268 |
EX39 3YP | Bideford North | 51.017687 | -4.218171 | 244511 | 126599 | SS445265 |
EX39 3YR | Bideford North | 51.017687 | -4.218171 | 244511 | 126599 | SS445265 |
EX39 3YS | Bideford North | 51.017687 | -4.218171 | 244511 | 126599 | SS445265 |
EX39 3YT | Bideford North | 51.020268 | -4.20442 | 245484 | 126857 | SS454268 |
EX39 3YU | Bideford North | 51.017687 | -4.218171 | 244511 | 126599 | SS445265 |
EX39 3YW | Bideford North | 51.017687 | -4.218171 | 244511 | 126599 | SS445265 |
EX39 3YX | Bideford North | 51.020268 | -4.20442 | 245484 | 126857 | SS454268 |
EX39 3YY | Northam | 51.028611 | -4.211718 | 245000 | 127800 | SS450278 |
EX39 3ZJ | Bideford North | 51.020268 | -4.20442 | 245484 | 126857 | SS454268 |
EX39 3ZN | Bideford North | 51.020268 | -4.20442 | 245484 | 126857 | SS454268 |
EX39 3ZQ | Bideford North | 51.020268 | -4.20442 | 245484 | 126857 | SS454268 |
EX39 3ZR | Northam | 51.028288 | -4.208323 | 245237 | 127757 | SS452277 |
EX39 3ZS | Bideford North | 51.020268 | -4.20442 | 245484 | 126857 | SS454268 |
EX39 3ZU | Bideford North | 51.020268 | -4.20442 | 245484 | 126857 | SS454268 |
EX39 3ZX | Bideford North | 51.020268 | -4.20442 | 245484 | 126857 | SS454268 |
EX39 4AA | Bideford East | 51.016193 | -4.202572 | 245600 | 126400 | SS456264 |
EX39 4AB | Bideford East | 51.01797 | -4.191777 | 246363 | 126575 | SS463265 |
EX39 4AD | Bideford East | 51.017747 | -4.192377 | 246320 | 126552 | SS463265 |
EX39 4AE | Bideford East | 51.01703 | -4.200602 | 245741 | 126489 | SS457264 |
EX39 4AF | Bideford East | 51.017544 | -4.199585 | 245814 | 126544 | SS458265 |
EX39 4AG | Bideford East | 51.019123 | -4.199303 | 245839 | 126719 | SS458267 |
EX39 4AH | Bideford East | 51.019008 | -4.198713 | 245880 | 126705 | SS458267 |
EX39 4AJ | Bideford East | 51.019404 | -4.197292 | 245981 | 126746 | SS459267 |
EX39 4AL | Bideford East | 51.018314 | -4.196884 | 246006 | 126624 | SS460266 |
EX39 4AN | Bideford East | 51.016133 | -4.200474 | 245747 | 126389 | SS457263 |
EX39 4AP | Bideford East | 51.018364 | -4.198569 | 245888 | 126633 | SS458266 |
EX39 4AQ | Bideford East | 51.020459 | -4.198337 | 245911 | 126866 | SS459268 |
EX39 4AR | Bideford East | 51.016547 | -4.198822 | 245864 | 126432 | SS458264 |
EX39 4AS | Bideford East | 51.015334 | -4.199466 | 245815 | 126298 | SS458262 |
EX39 4AT | Bideford East | 51.015583 | -4.198152 | 245908 | 126323 | SS459263 |
EX39 4AU | Bideford East | 51.017765 | -4.200736 | 245734 | 126571 | SS457265 |
EX39 4AW | Bideford East | 51.016608 | -4.199612 | 245809 | 126440 | SS458264 |
EX39 4AX | Bideford East | 51.017639 | -4.191177 | 246404 | 126537 | SS464265 |
EX39 4AY | Bideford East | 51.018645 | -4.192932 | 246284 | 126653 | SS462266 |
EX39 4AZ | Bideford East | 51.016063 | -4.194639 | 246156 | 126369 | SS461263 |
EX39 4BA | Bideford East | 51.016349 | -4.190215 | 246467 | 126392 | SS464263 |
EX39 4BB | Bideford East | 51.015062 | -4.200804 | 245720 | 126271 | SS457262 |
EX39 4BD | Bideford East | 51.014639 | -4.19959 | 245804 | 126221 | SS458262 |
EX39 4BE | Bideford East | 51.014855 | -4.1996 | 245804 | 126245 | SS458262 |
EX39 4BG | Bideford East | 51.014648 | -4.198432 | 245885 | 126220 | SS458262 |
EX39 4BH | Bideford East | 51.014469 | -4.196659 | 246009 | 126196 | SS460261 |
EX39 4BJ | Bideford East | 51.014916 | -4.197294 | 245966 | 126247 | SS459262 |
EX39 4BL | Bideford East | 51.013874 | -4.195819 | 246066 | 126128 | SS460261 |
EX39 4BN | Bideford East | 51.014491 | -4.19573 | 246074 | 126196 | SS460261 |
EX39 4BP | Bideford East | 51.014071 | -4.193932 | 246199 | 126146 | SS461261 |
EX39 4BQ | Bideford East | 51.014579 | -4.197064 | 245981 | 126209 | SS459262 |
EX39 4BR | Bideford East | 51.012661 | -4.187093 | 246674 | 125975 | SS466259 |
EX39 4BS | Bideford East | 51.01384 | -4.193764 | 246210 | 126120 | SS462261 |
EX39 4BT | Bideford East | 51.014946 | -4.193542 | 246229 | 126242 | SS462262 |
EX39 4BU | Bideford East | 51.015485 | -4.193842 | 246210 | 126303 | SS462263 |
EX39 4BW | Bideford East | 51.014392 | -4.194061 | 246191 | 126182 | SS461261 |
EX39 4BX | Bideford East | 51.015519 | -4.192756 | 246286 | 126305 | SS462263 |
EX39 4BY | Bideford East | 51.015189 | -4.193785 | 246213 | 126270 | SS462262 |
EX39 4BZ | Bideford East | 51.015166 | -4.190929 | 246413 | 126261 | SS464262 |
EX39 4DA | Bideford East | 51.013681 | -4.190531 | 246436 | 126096 | SS464260 |
EX39 4DB | Bideford East | 51.012998 | -4.186396 | 246724 | 126011 | SS467260 |
EX39 4DD | Bideford East | 51.013266 | -4.187934 | 246617 | 126044 | SS466260 |
EX39 4DE | Bideford East | 51.012702 | -4.187794 | 246625 | 125981 | SS466259 |
EX39 4DF | Bideford East | 51.013049 | -4.191628 | 246357 | 126028 | SS463260 |
EX39 4DG | Bideford East | 51.011587 | -4.189709 | 246487 | 125861 | SS464258 |
EX39 4DH | Bideford East | 51.010987 | -4.18767 | 246628 | 125790 | SS466257 |
EX39 4DJ | Bideford East | 51.01354 | -4.187719 | 246633 | 126074 | SS466260 |
EX39 4DL | Bideford East | 51.013869 | -4.18839 | 246587 | 126112 | SS465261 |
EX39 4DN | Bideford East | 51.011547 | -4.186795 | 246691 | 125850 | SS466258 |
EX39 4DP | Bideford East | 51.015294 | -4.201814 | 245650 | 126298 | SS456262 |
EX39 4DQ | Bideford East | 51.010433 | -4.187003 | 246673 | 125727 | SS466257 |
EX39 4DR | Bideford East | 51.0144 | -4.202484 | 245600 | 126200 | SS456262 |
EX39 4DS | Bideford East | 51.013992 | -4.20244 | 245602 | 126155 | SS456261 |
EX39 4DT | Bideford East | 51.009161 | -4.201569 | 245647 | 125616 | SS456256 |
EX39 4DU | Bideford East | 51.01284 | -4.202253 | 245611 | 126027 | SS456260 |
EX39 4DW | Bideford East | 51.012066 | -4.186492 | 246714 | 125908 | SS467259 |
EX39 4DX | Bideford East | 51.012375 | -4.189418 | 246510 | 125948 | SS465259 |
EX39 4DY | Bideford East | 51.015469 | -4.195153 | 246118 | 126304 | SS461263 |
EX39 4DZ | Bideford East | 51.015247 | -4.195969 | 246060 | 126281 | SS460262 |
EX39 4EA | Bideford East | 51.013355 | -4.201622 | 245657 | 126082 | SS456260 |
EX39 4EB | Bideford East | 51.013718 | -4.2012 | 245688 | 126122 | SS456261 |
EX39 4ED | Bideford East | 51.013769 | -4.201859 | 245642 | 126129 | SS456261 |
EX39 4EE | Bideford East | 51.014098 | -4.201842 | 245644 | 126166 | SS456261 |
EX39 4EF | Bideford East | 51.01422 | -4.201324 | 245681 | 126178 | SS456261 |
EX39 4EG | Bideford East | 51.014125 | -4.201576 | 245663 | 126168 | SS456261 |
EX39 4EH | Bideford East | 51.014305 | -4.200159 | 245763 | 126185 | SS457261 |
EX39 4EJ | Bideford East | 51.014317 | -4.200459 | 245742 | 126187 | SS457261 |
EX39 4EL | Bideford East | 51.01379 | -4.200762 | 245719 | 126129 | SS457261 |
EX39 4EN | Bideford East | 51.013835 | -4.200251 | 245755 | 126133 | SS457261 |
EX39 4EP | Bideford East | 51.01464 | -4.200742 | 245723 | 126224 | SS457262 |
EX39 4EQ | Bideford East | 51.014092 | -4.200961 | 245706 | 126163 | SS457261 |
EX39 4ER | Bideford East | 51.014238 | -4.199386 | 245817 | 126176 | SS458261 |
EX39 4ES | Bideford East | 51.014325 | -4.198577 | 245874 | 126184 | SS458261 |
EX39 4ET | Bideford East | 51.01385 | -4.199467 | 245810 | 126133 | SS458261 |
EX39 4EU | Bideford East | 51.013809 | -4.198311 | 245891 | 126126 | SS458261 |
EX39 4EW | Bideford East | 51.014513 | -4.201509 | 245669 | 126211 | SS456262 |