This page provides postcode data for the Torridge UK Local Authority District.
In 2021, Torridge contained approximately 30,500 households with a population of about 68,100
In 2011, Torridge contained approximately 27,994 households with a population of about 63,883
Postcode | Ward | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid ref |
EX39 3ED | Bideford West | 51.01396 | -4.219087 | 244434 | 126187 | SS444261 |
EX39 3EE | Bideford West | 51.012623 | -4.220566 | 244326 | 126041 | SS443260 |
EX39 3EF | Bideford West | 51.014232 | -4.219941 | 244375 | 126219 | SS443262 |
EX39 3EG | Bideford West | 51.014624 | -4.219161 | 244431 | 126261 | SS444262 |
EX39 3EH | Bideford West | 51.013275 | -4.221977 | 244229 | 126116 | SS442261 |
EX39 3EJ | Bideford West | 51.012669 | -4.222878 | 244164 | 126051 | SS441260 |
EX39 3EL | Bideford West | 51.012509 | -4.225405 | 243986 | 126039 | SS439260 |
EX39 3EN | Bideford West | 51.011509 | -4.223104 | 244144 | 125922 | SS441259 |
EX39 3EP | Bideford South | 51.011371 | -4.222089 | 244215 | 125905 | SS442259 |
EX39 3EQ | Bideford West | 51.014056 | -4.220906 | 244307 | 126201 | SS443262 |
EX39 3ER | Bideford West | 51.011854 | -4.223406 | 244124 | 125961 | SS441259 |
EX39 3ES | Bideford South | 51.01095 | -4.223206 | 244135 | 125861 | SS441258 |
EX39 3ET | Bideford South | 51.010787 | -4.223725 | 244098 | 125844 | SS440258 |
EX39 3EU | Bideford South | 51.01067 | -4.224647 | 244033 | 125832 | SS440258 |
EX39 3EW | Bideford West | 51.011823 | -4.221982 | 244224 | 125955 | SS442259 |
EX39 3EX | Bideford South | 51.009635 | -4.223988 | 244076 | 125716 | SS440257 |
EX39 3EY | Bideford South | 51.010072 | -4.225135 | 243997 | 125767 | SS439257 |
EX39 3EZ | Bideford South | 51.011162 | -4.225739 | 243958 | 125889 | SS439258 |
EX39 3FA | Westward Ho! | 51.035605 | -4.237638 | 243206 | 128633 | SS432286 |
EX39 3FB | Bideford North | 51.017261 | -4.22026 | 244363 | 126556 | SS443265 |
EX39 3FD | Westward Ho! | 51.03485 | -4.235465 | 243356 | 128544 | SS433285 |
EX39 3FE | Bideford South | 51.014816 | -4.210958 | 245007 | 126265 | SS450262 |
EX39 3FF | Bideford South | 51.0136 | -4.213142 | 244850 | 126134 | SS448261 |
EX39 3FG | Bideford South | 51.011501 | -4.233672 | 243403 | 125944 | SS434259 |
EX39 3FH | Bideford South | 51.01029 | -4.233984 | 243377 | 125810 | SS433258 |
EX39 3FJ | Bideford South | 51.011806 | -4.215562 | 244674 | 125940 | SS446259 |
EX39 3FL | Westward Ho! | 51.035364 | -4.239894 | 243047 | 128611 | SS430286 |
EX39 3FN | Westward Ho! | 51.034828 | -4.239212 | 243093 | 128550 | SS430285 |
EX39 3FP | Bideford West | 51.01593 | -4.226841 | 243897 | 126422 | SS438264 |
EX39 3FQ | Northam | 51.03631 | -4.209543 | 245178 | 128651 | SS451286 |
EX39 3FR | Bideford South | 51.009565 | -4.23922 | 243007 | 125741 | SS430257 |
EX39 3FS | Bideford West | 51.015744 | -4.23025 | 243657 | 126409 | SS436264 |
EX39 3FT | Bideford South | 51.008703 | -4.234888 | 243308 | 125635 | SS433256 |
EX39 3FU | Bideford West | 51.016017 | -4.214979 | 244729 | 126407 | SS447264 |
EX39 3FW | Bideford South | 51.010202 | -4.236015 | 243234 | 125805 | SS432258 |
EX39 3FX | Bideford South | 51.010052 | -4.240513 | 242918 | 125797 | SS429257 |
EX39 3FY | Bideford South | 51.0102 | -4.241746 | 242832 | 125817 | SS428258 |
EX39 3FZ | Bideford South | 51.009684 | -4.241906 | 242819 | 125760 | SS428257 |
EX39 3GA | Bideford West | 51.011712 | -4.224753 | 244029 | 125949 | SS440259 |
EX39 3GB | Bideford South | 51.006041 | -4.233961 | 243364 | 125338 | SS433253 |
EX39 3GD | Bideford South | 51.010956 | -4.233271 | 243429 | 125883 | SS434258 |
EX39 3GE | Bideford South | 51.005829 | -4.235177 | 243278 | 125317 | SS432253 |
EX39 3GF | Bideford South | 51.005846 | -4.233795 | 243375 | 125316 | SS433253 |
EX39 3GX | Westward Ho! | 51.032721 | -4.235616 | 243338 | 128308 | SS433283 |
EX39 3HA | Bideford South | 51.012096 | -4.226543 | 243905 | 125995 | SS439259 |
EX39 3HB | Bideford South | 51.010871 | -4.226627 | 243895 | 125859 | SS438258 |
EX39 3HD | Bideford South | 51.012048 | -4.228362 | 243777 | 125994 | SS437259 |
EX39 3HE | Bideford South | 51.011446 | -4.228305 | 243779 | 125927 | SS437259 |
EX39 3HF | Bideford South | 51.010867 | -4.22802 | 243797 | 125862 | SS437258 |
EX39 3HG | Bideford South | 51.010085 | -4.227498 | 243831 | 125773 | SS438257 |
EX39 3HH | Bideford South | 51.010948 | -4.228698 | 243750 | 125872 | SS437258 |
EX39 3HJ | Bideford South | 51.009437 | -4.2273 | 243843 | 125701 | SS438257 |
EX39 3HL | Bideford South | 51.012256 | -4.217655 | 244529 | 125994 | SS445259 |
EX39 3HN | Bideford South | 51.010132 | -4.233987 | 243376 | 125792 | SS433257 |
EX39 3HP | Westward Ho! | 51.032071 | -4.235256 | 243361 | 128235 | SS433282 |
EX39 3HQ | Bideford South | 51.009831 | -4.22857 | 243755 | 125747 | SS437257 |
EX39 3HR | Westward Ho! | 51.032375 | -4.234872 | 243389 | 128268 | SS433282 |
EX39 3HT | Bideford North | 51.018693 | -4.209236 | 245141 | 126692 | SS451266 |
EX39 3HU | Bideford North | 51.018611 | -4.21023 | 245071 | 126685 | SS450266 |
EX39 3HW | Bideford South | 51.010067 | -4.229864 | 243665 | 125776 | SS436257 |
EX39 3HX | Bideford North | 51.01864 | -4.209661 | 245111 | 126687 | SS451266 |
EX39 3HY | Bideford North | 51.018322 | -4.209831 | 245098 | 126652 | SS450266 |
EX39 3HZ | Bideford North | 51.019078 | -4.210765 | 245035 | 126738 | SS450267 |
EX39 3JA | Bideford North | 51.018516 | -4.209338 | 245133 | 126673 | SS451266 |
EX39 3JB | Bideford North | 51.019265 | -4.209904 | 245096 | 126757 | SS450267 |
EX39 3JD | Bideford North | 51.01932 | -4.209604 | 245117 | 126763 | SS451267 |
EX39 3JE | Bideford North | 51.019475 | -4.210439 | 245059 | 126781 | SS450267 |
EX39 3JF | Bideford North | 51.019206 | -4.211852 | 244959 | 126755 | SS449267 |
EX39 3JG | Bideford North | 51.020091 | -4.210225 | 245076 | 126850 | SS450268 |
EX39 3JH | Bideford North | 51.020789 | -4.211602 | 244982 | 126930 | SS449269 |
EX39 3JJ | Bideford North | 51.02009 | -4.210739 | 245040 | 126851 | SS450268 |
EX39 3JL | Bideford North | 51.01988 | -4.211855 | 244961 | 126830 | SS449268 |
EX39 3JN | Bideford North | 51.019642 | -4.213042 | 244877 | 126806 | SS448268 |
EX39 3JP | Bideford North | 51.018261 | -4.215671 | 244688 | 126658 | SS446266 |
EX39 3JQ | Bideford North | 51.020268 | -4.212244 | 244935 | 126873 | SS449268 |
EX39 3JR | Bideford North | 51.017566 | -4.216497 | 244628 | 126582 | SS446265 |
EX39 3JT | Bideford North | 51.023486 | -4.209763 | 245120 | 127226 | SS451272 |
EX39 3JU | Bideford North | 51.017466 | -4.217272 | 244573 | 126573 | SS445265 |
EX39 3JW | Bideford North | 51.01965 | -4.214511 | 244774 | 126810 | SS447268 |
EX39 3JX | Bideford North | 51.02174 | -4.210546 | 245059 | 127034 | SS450270 |
EX39 3JY | Bideford North | 51.017878 | -4.217096 | 244587 | 126618 | SS445266 |
EX39 3JZ | Bideford North | 51.022829 | -4.210955 | 245034 | 127156 | SS450271 |
EX39 3LA | Bideford North | 51.022065 | -4.210209 | 245084 | 127069 | SS450270 |
EX39 3LB | Bideford North | 51.022794 | -4.211627 | 244987 | 127153 | SS449271 |
EX39 3LD | Bideford North | 51.02329 | -4.210139 | 245093 | 127205 | SS450272 |
EX39 3LE | Bideford North | 51.023177 | -4.210875 | 245041 | 127194 | SS450271 |
EX39 3LF | Bideford North | 51.023715 | -4.210458 | 245072 | 127253 | SS450272 |
EX39 3LG | Bideford North | 51.02347 | -4.211285 | 245013 | 127227 | SS450272 |
EX39 3LH | Bideford North | 51.021913 | -4.211613 | 244985 | 127055 | SS449270 |
EX39 3LJ | Bideford North | 51.022149 | -4.213393 | 244861 | 127085 | SS448270 |
EX39 3LL | Bideford North | 51.021502 | -4.212877 | 244895 | 127012 | SS448270 |
EX39 3LN | Bideford North | 51.02154 | -4.213706 | 244837 | 127018 | SS448270 |
EX39 3LP | Bideford North | 51.021363 | -4.212115 | 244948 | 126995 | SS449269 |
EX39 3LQ | Bideford North | 51.02391 | -4.212051 | 244961 | 127278 | SS449272 |
EX39 3LR | Bideford North | 51.021151 | -4.211463 | 244993 | 126970 | SS449269 |
EX39 3LS | Bideford North | 51.020968 | -4.213065 | 244880 | 126953 | SS448269 |
EX39 3LT | Bideford North | 51.02079 | -4.215093 | 244737 | 126938 | SS447269 |
EX39 3LU | Bideford North | 51.022026 | -4.215569 | 244708 | 127076 | SS447270 |
EX39 3LW | Bideford North | 51.02167 | -4.214468 | 244784 | 127034 | SS447270 |
EX39 3LX | Bideford North | 51.022007 | -4.216363 | 244652 | 127076 | SS446270 |