This page provides postcode data for the North East Derbyshire UK Local Authority District.
In 2021, North East Derbyshire contained approximately 46,000 households with a population of about 102,000
In 2011, North East Derbyshire contained approximately 43,092 households with a population of about 99,134
Postcode | Ward | Latitude | Longitude | Easting | Northing | Grid ref |
DE55 6HX | Shirland | 53.129087 | -1.388345 | 441024 | 359277 | SK410592 |
DE55 6HY | Shirland | 53.127767 | -1.388588 | 441009 | 359130 | SK410591 |
DE55 6HZ | Shirland | 53.12713 | -1.392408 | 440754 | 359057 | SK407590 |
DE55 6JA | Shirland | 53.129263 | -1.391033 | 440844 | 359295 | SK408592 |
DE55 6JB | Shirland | 53.129236 | -1.393098 | 440706 | 359291 | SK407592 |
DE55 6JD | Shirland | 53.128668 | -1.392521 | 440745 | 359228 | SK407592 |
DE55 6JE | Shirland | 53.128914 | -1.391411 | 440819 | 359256 | SK408592 |
DE55 6JF | Shirland | 53.127934 | -1.393144 | 440704 | 359146 | SK407591 |
DE55 6JG | Shirland | 53.128034 | -1.391693 | 440801 | 359158 | SK408591 |
DE55 6JH | Shirland | 53.127878 | -1.390993 | 440848 | 359141 | SK408591 |
DE55 6JJ | Shirland | 53.127232 | -1.391181 | 440836 | 359069 | SK408590 |
DE55 6JL | Shirland | 53.126595 | -1.393267 | 440697 | 358997 | SK406589 |
DE55 6JN | Shirland | 53.118095 | -1.451613 | 436800 | 358020 | SK368580 |
DE55 6JT | Shirland | 53.133322 | -1.37981 | 441591 | 359753 | SK415597 |
DE55 6JU | Shirland | 53.132651 | -1.380403 | 441552 | 359678 | SK415596 |
DE55 6JW | Shirland | 53.132851 | -1.379234 | 441630 | 359701 | SK416597 |
DE55 6JX | Shirland | 53.132952 | -1.383059 | 441374 | 359710 | SK413597 |
DE55 6JY | Shirland | 53.131617 | -1.385604 | 441205 | 359560 | SK412595 |
DE55 6JZ | Shirland | 53.127677 | -1.38161 | 441476 | 359124 | SK414591 |
DE55 6LA | Shirland | 53.130668 | -1.389907 | 440918 | 359452 | SK409594 |
DE55 6LB | Shirland | 53.130802 | -1.391415 | 440817 | 359466 | SK408594 |
DE55 6LD | Shirland | 53.129833 | -1.393625 | 440670 | 359357 | SK406593 |
DE55 6LE | Shirland | 53.128531 | -1.394049 | 440643 | 359212 | SK406592 |
DE55 6LF | Shirland | 53.128367 | -1.395185 | 440567 | 359193 | SK405591 |
DE55 6LG | Shirland | 53.128324 | -1.395649 | 440536 | 359188 | SK405591 |
DE55 6LH | Shirland | 53.128077 | -1.39649 | 440480 | 359160 | SK404591 |
DE55 6LJ | Shirland | 53.131557 | -1.389775 | 440926 | 359551 | SK409595 |
DE55 6LL | Shirland | 53.133413 | -1.378329 | 441690 | 359764 | SK416597 |
DE55 6LN | Pilsley & Morton | 53.136864 | -1.39384 | 440649 | 360139 | SK406601 |
DE55 6LP | Shirland | 53.13113 | -1.390543 | 440875 | 359503 | SK408595 |
DE55 6LQ | Shirland | 53.134613 | -1.380913 | 441516 | 359896 | SK415598 |
DE55 6LR | Shirland | 53.132354 | -1.383815 | 441324 | 359643 | SK413596 |
DE55 6LS | Shirland | 53.130002 | -1.395013 | 440577 | 359375 | SK405593 |
DE55 6LT | Shirland | 53.126649 | -1.40582 | 439857 | 358996 | SK398589 |
DE55 6LU | Shirland | 53.12141 | -1.409747 | 439599 | 358411 | SK395584 |
DE55 6LX | Shirland | 53.121693 | -1.41055 | 439545 | 358442 | SK395584 |
DE55 6LY | Shirland | 53.121672 | -1.409983 | 439583 | 358440 | SK395584 |
DE55 6LZ | Pilsley & Morton | 53.144233 | -1.370922 | 442175 | 360972 | SK421609 |
DE55 6NA | Shirland | 53.122185 | -1.408257 | 439698 | 358498 | SK396584 |
DE55 6NB | Shirland | 53.121894 | -1.405826 | 439861 | 358467 | SK398584 |
DE55 6ND | Shirland | 53.122575 | -1.408999 | 439648 | 358541 | SK396585 |
DE55 6NE | Shirland | 53.121728 | -1.408562 | 439678 | 358447 | SK396584 |
DE55 6NF | Shirland | 53.118053 | -1.450135 | 436899 | 358016 | SK368580 |
DE55 6NG | Shirland | 53.127077 | -1.412285 | 439424 | 359040 | SK394590 |
DE55 6NH | Pilsley & Morton | 53.136071 | -1.386527 | 441139 | 360055 | SK411600 |
DE55 6NJ | Pilsley & Morton | 53.139817 | -1.396564 | 440464 | 360466 | SK404604 |
DE55 6NL | Pilsley & Morton | 53.139478 | -1.395239 | 440553 | 360429 | SK405604 |
DE55 6NN | Pilsley & Morton | 53.139812 | -1.395518 | 440534 | 360466 | SK405604 |
DE55 6NP | Pilsley & Morton | 53.140228 | -1.396095 | 440495 | 360512 | SK404605 |
DE55 6NQ | Pilsley & Morton | 53.140323 | -1.395257 | 440551 | 360523 | SK405605 |
DE55 6NR | Pilsley & Morton | 53.140816 | -1.394996 | 440568 | 360578 | SK405605 |
DE55 6NS | Pilsley & Morton | 53.140272 | -1.394151 | 440625 | 360518 | SK406605 |
DE55 6NU | Shirland | 53.128242 | -1.411507 | 439475 | 359170 | SK394591 |
DE55 6NW | Pilsley & Morton | 53.139792 | -1.395115 | 440561 | 360464 | SK405604 |
DE55 6NX | Shirland | 53.127812 | -1.411812 | 439455 | 359122 | SK394591 |
DE55 6NY | Shirland | 53.12413 | -1.448264 | 437019 | 358693 | SK370586 |
DE55 6NZ | Shirland | 53.12034 | -1.400677 | 440207 | 358297 | SK402582 |
DE55 6PA | Pilsley & Morton | 53.153172 | -1.414097 | 439279 | 361942 | SK392619 |
DE55 6PB | Pilsley & Morton | 53.153418 | -1.414737 | 439236 | 361969 | SK392619 |
DE55 6PD | Pilsley & Morton | 53.153667 | -1.41415 | 439275 | 361997 | SK392619 |
DE55 6PE | Pilsley & Morton | 53.153386 | -1.413676 | 439307 | 361966 | SK393619 |
DE55 6PF | Shirland | 53.120778 | -1.400058 | 440248 | 358346 | SK402583 |
DE55 6PG | Shirland | 53.120135 | -1.39929 | 440300 | 358275 | SK403582 |
DE55 6PH | Shirland | 53.11989 | -1.398651 | 440343 | 358248 | SK403582 |
DE55 6ZA | Shirland | 53.122217 | -1.411218 | 439500 | 358500 | SK394585 |
DE55 6ZX | Shirland | 53.128252 | -1.408281 | 439691 | 359173 | SK396591 |
DE55 6ZY | Shirland | 53.128252 | -1.408281 | 439691 | 359173 | SK396591 |
DE55 7LL | Shirland | 53.10807 | -1.4207 | 438878 | 356921 | SK388569 |
DE55 7NA | Shirland | 53.105169 | -1.425192 | 438580 | 356596 | SK385565 |
S1 1DQ | Killamarsh West | 53.315885 | -1.318494 | 445500 | 380100 | SK455801 |
S12 3GB | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.338314 | -1.408111 | 439509 | 382542 | SK395825 |
S12 3XA | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.338295 | -1.408097 | 439510 | 382540 | SK395825 |
S12 3XD | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.335279 | -1.414431 | 439091 | 382201 | SK390822 |
S12 3XF | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.333833 | -1.392917 | 440525 | 382052 | SK405820 |
S12 3XJ | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.334331 | -1.395357 | 440362 | 382106 | SK403821 |
S12 3XN | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.333907 | -1.394987 | 440387 | 382059 | SK403820 |
S12 3XP | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.333444 | -1.39576 | 440336 | 382007 | SK403820 |
S12 3XR | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.329934 | -1.39668 | 440278 | 381616 | SK402816 |
S12 3XS | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.330945 | -1.397552 | 440219 | 381728 | SK402817 |
S12 3XT | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.329031 | -1.395897 | 440331 | 381516 | SK403815 |
S12 3XW | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.324799 | -1.39836 | 440171 | 381044 | SK401810 |
S12 3XX | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.325667 | -1.399187 | 440115 | 381140 | SK401811 |
S12 3XY | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.322319 | -1.398439 | 440168 | 380768 | SK401807 |
S12 3XZ | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.330478 | -1.395967 | 440325 | 381677 | SK403816 |
S12 3YA | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.324617 | -1.402955 | 439865 | 381021 | SK398810 |
S12 3YB | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.323437 | -1.400976 | 439998 | 380891 | SK399808 |
S12 3YD | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.319535 | -1.398778 | 440148 | 380458 | SK401804 |
S12 3YF | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.319011 | -1.403693 | 439821 | 380397 | SK398803 |
S12 3YH | Ridgeway & Marsh Lane | 53.319716 | -1.41173 | 439285 | 380471 | SK392804 |
S17 3BP | Barlow & Holmesfield | 53.296708 | -1.551235 | 430008 | 377844 | SK300778 |
S17 3BQ | Barlow & Holmesfield | 53.298327 | -1.561077 | 429351 | 378020 | SK293780 |
S17 3BS | Barlow & Holmesfield | 53.300361 | -1.547446 | 430258 | 378252 | SK302782 |
S18 1AA | Gosforth Valley | 53.304796 | -1.483997 | 434483 | 378774 | SK344787 |
S18 1BF | Dronfield North | 53.300027 | -1.452695 | 436573 | 378259 | SK365782 |
S18 1BG | Dronfield North | 53.300027 | -1.452695 | 436573 | 378259 | SK365782 |
S18 1BH | Dronfield North | 53.300027 | -1.452695 | 436573 | 378259 | SK365782 |
S18 1BJ | Dronfield North | 53.300027 | -1.452695 | 436573 | 378259 | SK365782 |
S18 1BL | Dronfield South | 53.296997 | -1.470498 | 435389 | 377913 | SK353779 |
S18 1BN | Dronfield North | 53.300027 | -1.452695 | 436573 | 378259 | SK365782 |
S18 1BP | Dronfield South | 53.297096 | -1.470467 | 435391 | 377924 | SK353779 |